Friday, December 5, 2014

Attack Troll!

Fjolbolg is a simple troll. He enjoys gigantic cups of tea, watching the sun set over the craggy mountaintops, and the occasional crumpet. What he does not like is when someone trespasses onto his lofty property. And when they do...this happens.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Dr. Botto Von Cyberhausen

The genius scientist, Dr. Botto Von Cyberhausen, first delved into the niche of dark science when his best friend and nemesis, Dr. Michael Metallo, accidentally sprayed him with a dangerous prototype liquid which led to his blue skin and his ability to control robots remotely with only his brain!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Lord Aengus, Destroyer of Banshees

The brave Lord Aengus, although burly and powerful, holds one key to slaying banshees that most other warriors do not: he is partially deaf from his incessant battle-cries and the paralyzing wails of he banshees do not affect him.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Universe's Most Wanted: Logg

Logg, a Fundarr from Frinndar, is a creature of very, very few words. So few, in fact, that when he was (temporarily) jailed on Brundletod, the jailers listed his name as, "Grrrrr." Oh, and also, he's a crazed killer with a mountain body to back it up. 

Universe's Most wanted: Gil

The mercenary known simply as Gil is mostly known for his straightforward approach to fighting: If its still breathing, it should be screaming. Despite his...well, lack of a body, the dangerous mercenary always gets results.  

Universe's Most wanted: Techs Fritter

The universally known Techs Fritter is best known for his heist of a MegaBank on Yorgo IV, where he hacked into the authorities security bots. Not only did he force them to rob the bank at the gunpoint of their own security bots, but he also ordered a pizza and soda to their tab before rocketing off of the world carrying millions of credits. 

Monday, September 8, 2014

King Gorilla

The mighty King Gorilla rules over his intelligent people and wanders the lush jungles, searching for new lands to conquer. As soon as they discover the modern firearm, humanity as we know it is surely doomed.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


The last person to make fun of Rosebud for using a long rose stem as a weapon regretted his jests just as the wicked points of the barbs clenched around his neck. Needless to say, nobody has had any qualms about it since then. 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Hellskel The Horrible

Hellskel The Horrible is an abomination of metal and bone, wrought from the malice of a long dead necromancer. Now all alone in the world, Hellskel wanders the earth, searching for other necromancers so that none may create a monster such as he again.

The Friendliest Ruler of The Monster World

The sultan of Jengo is known as the most pleasant ruler in the entire monster world, but also as one of the most superstitious. He is never seen without his lucky Greebo feather, which he plucked from one of the giant birds when he was a lad.

Beware The Wrath of The Devil Monkey!

Local tribes tell a tale of a demonic monster that comes from the jungle at night to snatch up livestock and small children. They say it is a tale, but villagers refuse to go out at night and every night, a wicked howling can be heard echoing from the depths of the dense jungle.

Pudgy Prowess

This rotund lord always looks like he is up to something devious.

Frozen Samurai Attack!

After creating an avalanche with his amazing roar and burying himself alive, Azai was frozen for four hundred years. Now, after a hiker stumbled upon his body, this ancient samurai warrior is out to wreck havoc once again!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Haplo the Hippo lives a simple life in a simple hut with a simple roof. Everyday he walks to the tippy top of Bora Mountain to get sweet fresh water for his little Hippo family.

The Terror of Zahban-zur!

The normally neutral skies of Zahban-zur are filled with the piercing wail of the mighty Shabu! Winged terror of the night sky!

Worst. Vacation. Ever.

It was not until the Everett family reached the lip of the volcano that they realized the fires burning all around them were not natural. Little Tommy and Susie were not having fun this vacation. Not at all.

The Deadly, Dancing Devil-fish!

Nobody can escape the twirling tendrils of the torrential terror!

Friday, April 11, 2014

The second Zodiac Warrior, the ox. The ox is a hulk of a warrior whose skills in battle and everyday wisdom outshine his dazzling lack of cunning and short fuse.

The third Zodiac Warrior, the snake. His cunning and quick wit more than make up for his lack

The first Zodiac Warrior, the monkey. He is quick to action and loves to trick his enemies into making fools of themselves.  

Yodel. Hes my bestest snow friend.

Nobody stands more for food, fun, and phasing than Ian Ion, the Teenage Torch.

Something big is about to happen. And it's not going to be pretty.

I love drawing dragons and dinosaurs. It will become more apparent soon.

The eternal lord of midnight metal and rancorous rock! No one can destroy the metal!

The lord and tyrant of the library after hours. None pass through his domain without feeling the swift justice of his book daemon minions or mighty Spear of Horror Novels!

When will trolls learn to never bring a knife to a sword fight?

One of the coolest bounty hunters in all the galaxy, Bossk. If you can be a badass while simultaneously wearing a bright yellow jumpsuit and no shoes, you know you're doing something right. 

Huge laser swords and head tentacles? Yeah, we have that.