Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Space Lad and The Star Finders

This is an abandoned concept from awhile back about a few kids alone and adventuring through the cosmos and fighting their nemesis, Nebulord.

Ook-Ta, Gnarlok Raider

The Gnarloks, a despicable manphibian species, have plagued the lands for millenia and always seem to be in the right place to cause traveling caravans trouble.

Kranatosferonsidoth...or Kran for short.

The behemoth bully Kran, a dreadful dark dragon, bars any from the Balkon Basin. All in the surrounding area dread the sight of his titanic shadow and live in constant fear of his presence.

Jugg Handel: Northern Orc

The legends of the bounty hunter Jugg Handel float about the kingdom. Any person seeking to hide in the northern wastelands beware, as this orc stalks the biting winds and scathing blizzards unaffected to pursue his quarry.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Ugluk, Uruk-hai warrior captain. Basically Lurtz in the LOTR movies.

Humondrox, Titan of Titans

Its Humondrox, a killer kaiju! The color on this is quite off on the blog, but you get the idea!

Friday, May 8, 2015

Who says you have to be a model to rock the viking look? Chubby Viking!

That dang ice cream wizard has gone and stole the Neopolance from the Eye Screams again.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Williwick, the Crystal Wizard!

Williwick is a rambunctious little pest of a wizard with a penchant for using his poerful magics to trap the souls of wanderers in gems and uses them for even more power. On is feet are two gem studded fancy boots of which he is ridiculously proud. These gnome crafted shoes allow him to hover and zip around the air.

Williwick is going to be a character in an upcoming project I am working on so keep an eye out in the future! This project is going to be so amazing and I will tell you right now exactly what it is. So, I had this idea...hey, Williwick, what are you doing over there? Wait, no! No! Williwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick!